Naples' Original Video Productions provides professional wedding videography and has captured over one thousand weddings.
We hope your wedding plans are going smoothly and include preserving your special occasion on DVD. You can, forever, enjoy your wedding day as you relive it with family, friends, and each other.
Your video and audio will be crystal clear. We use only the latest professional High Definition equipment.
Watch our samples to see how our multi-camera coverage and expert editing can create your "wedding story". Hold on to your special moments as you build your life together. Call us to learn how to ensure you have a beautiful and lasting memory of your important day.
Your contract will be customized to meet your needs and expectation. You'll have the opportunity to meet us to discuss your event (at your convenience: in person, by phone, or e-mail).
Together, we'll consider important details for taping and editing, including: start and end times, locations, special participants, music selections, special effects, photo montages, testimonials, slow motion "recap", etc.
With such personalized care, the cost includes the aspects you prefer, ensuring your complete satisfaction.